Formulación de un plan estratégico de marketing Caso de estudio Turismo en Casas y Fincas S.A.
Palabras clave:
Business To Business, Business To Customer, Marketing turístico, Formulación estratégica, Mercado metaResumen
This document presents the strategic formulation of a marketing plan for Turismo en Casas y Fincas S.A., a Company dedicated to the rental of tourist properties in Colombia for 22 years, that proposes a new business alternative called “Business to Business”, in its traditional rental services of countryhouses under the business alternative called Business to Customer; this, in response to a problem due to non-compliance with the sales goals and the low generation of profits of the company per year. This problem was evidenced in the strategic diagnosis both internally and externally, which also made it possible to determine a series of strategies for the tourist marketing plan and thus evaluate its implementation as of 2018Citas
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Cómo citar
Monroy, C., & Churon, C. (2020). Formulación de un plan estratégico de marketing Caso de estudio Turismo en Casas y Fincas S.A. Revista Avenir, 4(1), 1–6. Recuperado a partir de
Derechos de autor 2020 Revista Avenir
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