Influencia de las TIC en el desarrollo de las competencias en la educación básica primaria

Influencia de las TIC en el desarrollo de las competencias en la educación básica primaria


  • Pablo E. Carreño Universidad Libre De Colombia
  • Alexandra Ortega C. Universidad Libre De Colombia


Nanotecnología, Educación, Implementación, Aprendizaje


Technology is advancing rapidly and each time it is becoming more involved in each of the areas of society, which is why new strategies must be implemented so that students develop better skills, and they start secondary school motivated and acquire the required knowledge; to take advantage of the tools that technology offers and take them to classrooms.This article is framed in the applied research class of the systems engineering program at the Free University, so after making a bibliographic record, it is evident that current education has its limitations and problems, this due to various factors, one of them is the lack of  implementation of technology in the learning process, so this article will only show the benefits and risks of the implementation of ICTs and how they influence basic primary education but in classrooms, because when implementing it there, all the students will be in the same conditions, being a beginning so that later it will be possible to expand this technology to the homes of all children and thus the learning process through these technologies will not remain only at school. When this implementation is carried out, an improvement in student learning will be evident, since with technology different ways can be applied to encourage them to learn, such as the use of video games for an educational purpose.


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How to Cite

Carreño, P. E., & Ortega C., A. (2020). Influencia de las TIC en el desarrollo de las competencias en la educación básica primaria. Revista Avenir, 4(2), 9–16. Retrieved from


